WIT Play

It’s your one-stop shop for all the keynotes, panels, interview stage discussions, and focus sessions from the Women in Tech Conference. We’re constantly adding content from previous years to make it even more awesome!


Shaena Harrison Helin, Stephanie Darvill, Elin Eriksson | Kindred Group

Game Changers: Women in Leadership with Kindred & Women in Tech


Ida Östensson

Everything we don’t see – how you are affected by the invisible work at home and at work


Paulina Modlitba

We need a new narrative about AI and you are part of it!


Tove Ågren

Journey to NASA: Mars Helicopters and Beyond


Binette Seck

The Power In Value-Based Learning


Linda U Johansson

How Spatial Computing transforms our future


Shaena Harrison Helin

Becoming Wing People: How to Elevate Your Networking Efforts


Unn Swanström

Crafting a career in tech


Degmo Daar

Who are we innovating for?


Lilly Vasanthini, Mats Andersson

From Cyber Security to Green IT – Integrating Safety and Sustainability into IT Operations with the help of a Norwegian Fjord


Dr. Gissel Velarde

How to Improve Diversity in the Artificial Era


Sarah Freiesleben

The Value of Human “Messiness”


Anna Lundqvist

Is being human enough? The importance of empathy in our digital landscape


Aisha Fukushima

Closing music act


Sarah Ouakim | Accenture

Generative AI: What’s in it for you? How will GenAI impact our everyday life and what are the dangers/advances we can expect


Paulina Modlitba, Evelina Antilla, Caroline Fletcher

Panel: What are the opportunities and implications with all these AI tools and developments?


Aisha Fukushima

Opening music act 🎤 Rise up!


Anna Lundqvist, Dr. Gissel Velarde, Sarah Freiesleben, Stephanie Darvill

Panel: Follow up from keynotes Anna, Dr Gissel, Sarah and Stephanie


Simran Mohnani, Lola Akinmade

Interview with Simran Mohnani


Jennifer Grönqvist, Lola Akinmade

Interview with Jennifer Grönqvist


Stephanie Darvill, Elin Eriksson, Åsa Johansen

Interview with Stephanie Darvill


Monika Stenson, Julia Kaidalova, Lola Akinmade

Interview with Monika Stenson and Julia Kaidalova


Azra Osmancevic, Anastasiia Klonova, Lola Akinmade

Interview with Azra Osmancevic and Anastasiia Klonova


Fanny Widman, Elin Eriksson, Åsa Johansen

Interview with Fanny Widman


Lola Akinmade, Elin Eriksson

Interview with Elin Eriksson och Lola Akinmade


Tove Ågren, Lola Akinmade

Interview with Tove Ågren


Amanda Herzog, Lola Akinmade

Interview with Amanda Herzog


Binette Seck, Amanda Herzog, Beatrice Sillow

Panel: What’s the tech talent gap in Sweden and how can we fix it?


Astrid Gyllenkrok Kristensen, Leyla Ali

Panel: Fearless females solving female issues


Sara Better, Clémentine Francois, Neda Zamani, Miriam Sheedy | Tobii

The Fascinating World of Eyetracking


Mariana Vnuk | People People People

From bullshit to action!


Satu Goldbech, Camilla Heiding, Ylva Christiansson | Tietoevry

How to combat bullying with AI


Heléna Malm, Petra Klein | Swedbank

Cybercriminals don’t hack your systems, they hack you!


Yunyi Huang, Alina Astapovich, Kristina Kondrashevich | Electrolux Group

Building a Unified IoT Platform for Millions of Appliances


Sarah Molander, Malin Lagerblad, Ludwig Östlund, Jonas Palmkvist | Tre

Breaking silos, building bridges - the Test Force journey to success


Shaena Harrison Helin | Tjena

Becoming Wing People workshop: Engage, empower, support, and grow together


Kristina Juhlin | Accenture

Gen AI is reshaping the entire marketing value chain from strategy, planning, content production and marketing activation


Diana Banozic, Dr. Hema Prem, Anna Mossberg, Lotta Lovén, Ine Ljosland Strand, Maria Lundberg, Ödgärd Andersson | Infosys

Leading fearlessly: Breaking barriers and navigating complex environments* (*The journey thus far and beyond)


Sofia Sirvell, Elen Toodu | Sandvik

Digitalization in Mining for a sustainable tomorrow


Anna Albinsson | Avoki

Ergonomics goes digital – Digital comfort is non-negotiable for thriving companies


Charlotta Kvarnström, Caroline Fletcher, Therése Treutiger, Anna Felländer, Ida La Spisa | EY

Value creation and innovation leveraging AI


Jing Zhao, Doreh Bovelet, Sindhusha Marakani | EasyPark

Scaling Success: Addressing Organizational Growth, Data Demands and Overcoming Challenges


Annie von Heijne, Maaret Malinen | ICA Gruppen

The Journey towards Datadriven Business


Christina Fung | CGI

Artificial Intelligence - Friend or Foe to Gender Equity?


Mikaela Stjernström, Victoria Berger Blom, Sofia Livman | Columbia Road

Customer-led growth crash course - Learn how to drive customer-led growth through experimentation


Aliaksandra Shauchuk, Elisa Perini, Lillemor Ehrner, Sofia Magnusson | If

Creating impactful tech: Collaboration helps a little, adding diversity helps a lot


Annika Bäckström

AI isn’t magic, it’s your new tool


Mahan Moin

Woman, Life, Freedom


Nataliya Stoyanovych

Stories from the tech industry during war


Maha Bouzeid, Johanna Lakso, Yvonne Ruwaida

Supercharged for a Green Society


Sanne Femling

How to stay on top on your IT security awareness


Mar Hicks

Programmed Inequality


Atefeh Sebdani

My Hand in Mine


Tove Noorjahaan Dalenius



Karin Zingmark

Building Trust in Times of Change


Stephanie Darvill

Hustling for a healthier tech world


Alice Heiman

Artificial Intelligence to Highlight, Improve and Enhance


Azra Osmancevic

Six questions for the future


Dr. Angel K. Durr

World War 3.0 is Here: Are You Prepared to Fight?


Alexis Macleod, Linda Rothan Cederberg | Electrolux Group

Unleash the power of data


Stefan Alariksson

Hur får vi fler män att engagera sig i arbetet med och för jämställdhet?


Carina Wiman, Maria Gripseröd Norrman, Fredrika Ling | Tietoevry

Tech ethics for good – why should you care?


Ami Denborg

Unlocking the secrets to Innovative products and leadership


Hanne Hed, Rut Meyersson | CGI

How to enable a regenerative future through shifting our minds


Susanna Hellström Gefwert, Cecilia Clinch

How intelligent automation is changing the way we work


Thea Walther | If

My Career as a Multifaceted Weirdo


Ylva Wikström | Accenture

Accenture Life Trends


Louise Lindberg, Hanna Carmvall | Visma

How do you future-proof your product development?


Cecilia Johansson, Annika Albertsson, Robyn Nel, Malabika Ray | Volvo Cars

Progression, not perfection


Helén Rapp, Liselott Ahlberg, Lovisa Bergstedt | Bonnier News

Att skydda Det Fria Ordet


Karin Engman, Linda Wijkström | Tele2

How to protect children in a connected world


Dr. Hema Prem, Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen, Lotta Lovén, Petra Ålund, Johanna von Geyr | Infosys

Leading Fearlessly: Breaking Barriers and Navigating Complex Environments


Olesja Hännikäinen | Accenture

How will the Metaverse affect our Skills, Work and Experience


Johanna Thorell, Christian Edström | Swedbank

Keeping the software development on par with the technological evolution


Ödgärd Andersson

Safety in the era of software-defined cars


Rebecca Cander Dangovanos, Sofia Andersson, Stephanie Ternert | ICA Gruppen

A smart, personalized and safe customer experience using data analytics


Regina Nkemchor

Diversity in Open Source Projects


Daniel Treviño Bergman, Viktoria Henge Klättborg, Pia Rynnert | Tre

From outsourced code factory to in-house revenue machine


Christina Crafoord, Sofia Lindståhl, Adithi Gururaj Srivatsa, Ankit Naryani, Triantafyllia (Fillitsa) Karypidou | Scania

Say Hi to Diversometer!


Annika Borgström, Anna Redz | Tobii

We save lives on the roads!


Réka Gazda, Inanna Lallerstedt

Supercharge your job search and internal mobility


Faisa Abdi

Sustainable Energy solutions to East Africa


Nargis Rahimi

Creating a world where every child and parent thrives


Deqa Abukar

A new business state of mind


Anya Ernest

UX for the Future


Sarah Freiesleben

Show up


Brie Code

Revolutionary human benefit through amplified compassion


Safae Berrahmoune, Hiba Adem

Student’s best friend, efficient and effective mentoring


Åsa Schwartz

Cybersecurity – Past, present and Skynet


Lisa Gunnarsson

Winning in the new world of work


Adriana Knouf

Outer Space for the Rest of Us


Wilma Emanuelsson

Eye-tracking and dyslexia


Sara McCracken

Simulating Vision Impairment using Virtual Reality – a mothers story


Brie Code, Adriana Knouf, Leila Trulsen

Interview Stage Part 3


Sofie Wahlström, Elinor Samuelsson, Leila Trulsen

Interview Stage Part 4


Sarah Freiesleben, Wilma Emanuelsson, Leila Trulsen

Interview Stage Part 2


Elin Eriksson, Åsa Johansen, Unn Swanström, Paulina Modlitba, Leila Trulsen

Interview Stage Part 1


Malin Ekholm, Anne-Mette Nygaard Lindblad, Sanela Ibrovic

Human Centric Tech – For a Changing Society


Petra Ålund, Anna Gulliksen, Juliana Araújo, Dora Palfi

Panel: Putting words into action with diversity


Emelie Gustavsson, Zac Fors | Swedbank

Inclusion through technology - an interactive focus session


Cindi Lindsborg, Therese Reinhammar | Scania, Accenture

How autonomous trucks will disrupt the transport business


Helle Dochedahl, Emilie Solomon

People Sustainability - Do What's Right


Charlotte Svensson

Shaping the Future of Aviation


Tanu Mittal, Ijlal Tahir | Electrolux Group

Female Leadership in Tech: The only way to level up


Frida Looman, Rebecca Hagnestad, Frida Nyvinger | Bonnier News

How to Survive and Thrive about Being a Woman In Tech


Cecilia Mistander | Tele2

The Journey to become a Data Driven Organization


Karin Kullman | ICA Gruppen

What should we do with all this data anyway?


Elsa Westin, Paulina Edblad Granholm | Accenture

Reinventing Success


Kari Anna Fiskvik

How to survive a Hacker Attack, and the Future of Hospitality Technology


Josefine Billström

From Mobile to Metaservice


Mariana McEvoy, Sofia Larsson, Christina Widing, Linda Borelius

Level Up with Salesforce - Build and Empower your Personal Brand


Tone-Marie Wahlstrøm, Li Åsebring | Tietoevry

How to prevent bullying with a digital twin


Elinor Samuelsson, Sofie Wahlström

Multi Award Winning Hackathon Ninjas


Charlotta Kvarnström, Lisa Henning, Vanja Tufvesson, Madelene Rundin Geuken, Pernilla Larsson, Ingrid Bojner, Ingrid Bojner | EY

Closing the STEM gap: A collective responsibility for equality and inclusion


Sara Rahiminejad, Olivia Johansson, Therese Nilsson | Accenture

Metaverse x Fashion - Navigating The Metaverse Sustainably and Responsibly


Kejsi Gjordeni, Rebecca Oskarsson | Visma

Garbage in, Gospel out - The Unrealistic Expectation of AI


Elin Eriksson, Paulina Modlitba, Åsa Johansen, Unn Swanström

The Breakfast


Unn Swanström, Lola Akinmade, Katrine Marçal, Nora Bavey

The power of Resillience


Unn Swanström, Gitanjali Rao, Dr. Ayesha Khanna, Rana el Kaliouby, Ph.D.

The Keynotes


Daria Magdoiu, Aleksandra Wilczynska | Kindred Group



Unn Swanström

The First Recap


Elin Eriksson, Unn Swanström, Paulina Modlitba, Åsa Johansen

The Wrap-up


Unn Swanström

The Bright Future


Piano with Ellinor Asp


Catharina Sandberg, Julia Creutz, Stina Lantz, Jenny Elfsberg, Christel Holmquist

Tech as a solution to the 1,5C degree target


Griet Staelens, Edit Safrankó, Elena Breda | Electrolux Group

Pandemic proof your career


Kathrin Lemler | Tobii

How tech allowed me to work at a university and not end up in a ball pit


Jenny Jernberg, Åsa Eriksson Hellsberg | ATG

Den agila ledningsgruppen - vi lever som vi lär


Anna Ryott, Klara Leander, Tove Blomgren | EY

Sustainable business action


Vanessa Butani, Katarzyna Lipinska, Helena Babelon, Elke Glaser | Electrolux Group

The Path to a more Sustainable Workplace


Karin Callin | Scania

The vehicle out of the crisis


Johanna Juhl | Tele2

Whats the deal with 5G?


Fia Bengtsson, Maria Ekberg Brännström, Carla Nykopp, Lovisa Bergman | Accenture

Creating an inclusive cultural experience using AR


Ksenia Avetisova, Jessica Lindholm | Tietoevry

Immersive collaboration and training drive efficiency of business operations


Fia Bengtsson, Elin Allison, Petter Bohman | Accenture

How to turn data into value when time waits for no one


Frida Almgren

Cut through the noise and become a media darling


Christina Knight

If you teach a girl to code, she will change the world


Menatalla Ashraf, Daniel Lundin | Scania

Saved by IT


Marie Bemler | Scania

AI and automation, who is responsible for this smart future?


Mito Singh, Helena Törnqvist, Lazian Ibrahim, Eva Fiskáare | EY

Attract and retain the next generation talents, in the new normal


Mickael Marceau, Mette Lorenzen, Usha Ganesan, Olga Hypponen, Charlotta Shelbourg | Kindred Group

How to build engagement and entertainment in a digital environment?


Heather Johnson

Bridging the digital gender divide


Sofia Andersson, Josefine Hovmark

Get into the tech industry, there are more ways than one!


Mina Boström Nakićenović, Andjela Kusmuk

How Competitive sports shaped our leadership


Pratima Rao, Elena Sinelnikova, Sarah Saska

WIT from a Canada perspective


Weini Smon

Yoga with Weini Smon


Smriti Singh, Pavani Sakaray, Sidorela Suli | Scania

Smart solutions and innovation at Scania


Galina Esther Shubina, Nina Bozic | Women in Data Science AI & ML Sweden

The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship


Karin Edebo, Stina Strömberg | Tele2

IoT enabling Smart Cities and Sustainability


Karin Madsen, Anna Baecklund | ICA Gruppen

Working with AI and Analytics, a treasure hunt in a maze of challenges


Micaela Vernmark, Linnéa Källgård, Jenny Winther, Nina Sadurskis Wenning | Tietoevry

Why most of Sweden's current digital solutions fail to include its citizens


Ariella Rotstein Gille | ICA Gruppen

Reinventing organizations


Sofie Svensson, Frida Nyvinger, Frida Nyvinger | Bonnier News

Vikten av en stark inkompetensprofil


Ingrid Bojner, Ingrid Bojner, Olena Malishenko, Elena Kulakova, Kimberly Bent, Beatrice Holt

Mastering Self-Leadership to Succeed in your Tech Dream Job


Signe Kiselberg, Josefin Gullbrandsson, Natasha Ehlén, Emma Lindgren

How to build remote teams: Stories from across a product company


Marika Auramo

Are female role models still needed in the IT/Tech industry?


Inger Lise Eng, Naya Amjadi, Linnea Henriksson, Viveca Molin, Ulrika Andersson

Behind the scenes with women at Salesforce


Anna Faelten, Maria Hedengren, Maxine Rior | EY

The tech industry in the wake of the pandemic


Pernilla Jonsson, Pernilla Wikman, Therése Treutiger, Anastasia Ribbing Kristoffers | EY

5G, 6G, quantum computing and beyond


Fia Bengtsson, Sofi Håkanson, Elisabeth Åkerblom | Accenture

How to keep Women in Tech


Charlotte Levert, Peter Laurin

Leadership will never be the same


Pernilla Jonsson

The World in 2030


Mala Valroy

Disruption through inclusion at Ericsson ONE


Unn Swanström

Wrap up of breakout sessions with moderator Unn Swanström


Tuva Palm, Pernilla Wikman, Lotta Lovén

Panel: Leadership, Purpose and Diversity in the Transformative Age


Tatiana Solodko Kuruca, Anna-Karin Lindblom, Karolina Bjurehed, Liselotte Engstam

Panel: Five Myths of Innovation with Cybercom


Irem Boybat, Anna Nordell Westling, Linda Leopold

Panel: AI for a sustainable future


Irem Boybat

Irem Boybat, IBM Research


Elin Eriksson, Åsa Johansen, Paulina Modlitba

The board directors of Women in Tech wrap up the day


Caroline Farberger

Keynote by Caroline Farberger


Betelhem Dessie

Keynote by Betelhem Dessie


Anna Nordell Westling

Anna Nordell-Westling, Co-founder and CMO of Sana Labs


Unn Swanström, Sakina Turab Ali

Sakina Turabali, Co-founder of Skyqraft


Binette Seck, Malin Ekholm, Gerda Larsson, Louise Samet, Unn Swanström

Panel: How To Design A Society For Everybody


Lucie Quarta, computer science student


Sana Alajmovic

Sana Alajmovic, Co-founder and CEO of Sigrid Therapeutics AB


Saba Atefyekta

Saba Atefyekta, Co-founder and CTO of Amferia



Keynote by Chagall


Anna König Jerlmyr

Anna König Jerlmyr, Mayor, The City of Stockholm


Suzan Hourieh Lindberg

Suzan Hourieh Lindberg, Founder and CEO, The Social Few


Lora Haddock DiCarlo

Keynote by Lora Haddock Dicarlo


Elin Eriksson, Paulina Modlitba, Katarina Andersson

Elin Eriksson and Paulina Modlitba


Unn Swanström

Intro by moderator Unn Swanström


Sofi Håkanson | Accenture

Sofi Håkansson, Accenture


Monika Martinsson

Monika Martinsson, Deedster


Hanna Pettersson, Paulina Modlitba

Hanna Pettersson, Tjejer Kodar


Tuva Palm, Katarina Andersson

Tuva Palm, She Invest


Rashin Kabodvand, Katarina Andersson

Rashin Kabodvand, Cybercom


Nina Shariati, Katarina Andersson

Nina Shariati, H&M Group


Betelhem Dessie

Betelhem Dessie, iCog Labs


Linnéa Kornehed, Paulina Modlitba

Linnéa Kornehed, Einride


Sara Mansouri

Sara Mansouri, Plentimacy


Lora Haddock DiCarlo

Lora Haddock DiCarlo


Ingrid Bojner, Ingrid Bojner, Katarina Andersson

Ingrid Bojner, Storytel

General inquiries:


Åsa Johansen



Elin Eriksson

Creative director and curator


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