Member highlight: Elisabeth

Elisabeth, aka The Lady UX, is truly an inspiration! We discovered her profile right after this year’s WIT Conference, when she immediately began sharing her thoughts and insights through her Instagram stories. We loved hearing all about her updates and reflections on her conference experience!


This is when we learned about her role as a UX/UI designer and her passion for design. As an avid content creator, she offers valuable and practical videos on her social media, covering topics from “What is a UX Designer?” to “What is a Design Review?”. If you’re a designer yourself, her content is a must-follow.


Of course we couldn’t miss the opportunity to highlight this amazing member of the WIT community, shed light on her work, and celebrate her commitment to knowledge-sharing.


What made you choose tech?
I was once in fashion and loved the creativity, but I lacked the friendly, helpful community. In fashion, we followed trends instead of asking why we should create a product and what the user’s needs are with what we are creating. Tech in the UX field feels much more friendly and interesting because we are curious about the user.


What does the Women in Tech community mean to you?
It makes me feel hopeful about the future. To know that I am not alone but also that we have an interesting journey ahead in changing the narrative of creating more spaces for women in tech and also more women of color in tech.


If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring woman in tech, what would that be?
Always be yourself and stay curious; that’s why people want to work with you.


As usual, we want to know, what occupies Elisabeth’s mind during her time off:
– What’s a hobby or interest you’re passionate about outside of work?
I love being creative with my hands—gardening, sewing, painting, crafting.


– Can you share a book, movie, or TV show that has had a significant impact on you?
(TV Show) Insecure by Issa Rae. It brings out relationships both work-wise and outside of work, illustrating how things could have been different if I wasn’t a minority. If you love poetry, she shares a lot of it.


– If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I would travel to Mauritius to live close to the water or see parts of Asia.


– What’s a skill or talent you have that most people might not expect?
I am a great juice and smoothie maker.


– What’s your favorite food or cuisine, and why?
Sushi—it’s easy and tasty. My friend tricked me into these lovely treats.


Find Elisabeth on Instagram at: @the_ladyux and take a moment to learn something new or get inspired.


The state of Women in Tech 2023

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