Member highlight: Linda Rydälv

And to continue our Member Highlights series, this time we would like to shine the spotlight on someone who has been, not only a strong member of the WIT community, but also a key
support during our yearly conference.

Linda Rydälv has been part of the WIT Conference volunteers group for several years: really active on the internal chat group, always ready to help out by sharing useful information, connecting people and even organising a volunteer’s AW after this year’s conference.


Let’s get to know Linda a bit more:
Linda is self-employed and finds herself developing and launching Databi, an innovative e-learning platform in data, analytics and business intelligence.

“Databi’s goal is to make data analytics and business intelligence accessible and understandable to everyone, especially for women who are considering changing careers and want to develop in the tech industry.”

Her passion for data analytics started almost 15 years ago when she realised the potential of using data to drive business decisions and create value. She ended up working in tech somewhat by chance: she started writing SQL at her previous job as a risk analyst (over 10 years


– What does the Women in Tech community mean to you?
For me, it is an important forum for connecting with like-minded individuals, sharing experiences and reminding the world that ”we are and belong here!”.


– If you could give one advice to an aspiring woman in tech, what would that be?
Tech is a broad field, so don’t be afraid to explore different areas to find what truly excites you. Stay curious and keep learning.


So how does Linda spend her time off when not writing SQL code:
– Can you share a book, movie, or TV show that has had a significant impact on you?
I read a lot of varied material, both fiction and non-fiction. I found Sprint (how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days) by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz inspiring and I also like John P. Kotter, for example his book ”Leading Change”.


– If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
To Mexico to get a diving certification and dive.


– What’s a skill or talent you have that most people might not expect?
I can wiggle my ears, haha.


– What’s your favourite food, and why?
I love stir-fried vegetables. Why? Well it feels like that is the optimal food for my body.


– Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
I don’t have any pets, but I have 5 children, including 3 step-children, ages 11-18.




The state of Women in Tech 2023

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Åsa Johansen


Elin Eriksson

Creative director and curator

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