Karin Zingmark

Karin Zingmark

Karin has extensive experience in change management and communication from leading positions in various industries, most recently as the CMO at Microsoft in Sweden. She is the author of two books “Maxa Snacket” (Liber 2017) and its sequel “Maxa Modet” (Liber 2020). Karin is active on several boards, both startups and a publicly traded company, and is a certified facilitator by Hyper Island. She has a certification in the foundations of Neuroleadership from the Neuroleadership Institute and is a part of the global team of educators of Duke Corporate Education, ranked top 3 globally on Executive Education by Financial Times. Today, she is a sought-after moderator and speaker, and is named one of Sweden’s 100 most popular speakers for four consecutive years.

Inclusion through technology - an interactive focus session

Brie Code

Business Analytics Lead, EasyPark

Doreh Bovelet

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