Women In Tech puts companies recruiting women to the tech industry in the limelight


Sep 3, 2018

3 min read

With six months to go until the 2019 edition of Women In Tech (WITsthlm), the Facebook group WITGlobal has reached more than 10,000 members. Sponsors are now preparing for WITsthlm 2019, this year paying extra attention to companies that employ women in tech roles through the initiative “WIT hired!” that launches today.

As STHLM TECH FEST opens its doors today at Stockholm Waterfront, Women In Tech is launching WIT hired! where companies that have employed women in tech roles have the opportunity to register their recruits at womenintech.se/withired. In addition, STHLM TECH FEST and WITSthlm have invited more than 1,000 members from WITsthlm to join STHLM TECH FEST at a very favorable fee.

“We now have over 10,000 in our WIT community, proving that women in technology are active and that the future of a more equal technology industry looks very bright. The whole idea of WIT is to inspire women to seek out and stay in the industry as well as to inspire companies to employ them,” says Rikard Steiber, who founded WITSthlm in 2014.

“STHLM TECH FEST is the perfect setting to launch WIT hired!, an initiative wherein we want to pay tribute to companies that employ women in tech roles and through that, contribute to increased diversity in the Swedish tech industry, something we think is worth bragging about,” says Steiber.

At WIT hired! you enter your company name and the role you have recruited. The company’s name will then be displayed on the website. On March 8, 2019, WIT will report how many women have been registered on the website during the six months from now until the event.

As in previous years, WITsthlm 2019 will be free and open to all. When the 1,300 tickets were released for the 2018 event they were gone in 120 seconds. Behind WIT 2018 were eleven main partners: Accenture, Bonnier, Cybercom, EY, Google, HTC Vive, Kindred, MTG (today NENT Group), Nasdaq, Scania and Tieto, and the event can still be watched through the streaming service Viafree.



Jessica Sjöberg
VP Corporate Communications, Nordic Entertainment Group
jessica.sjoberg@nentgroup.com, +46 764 94 09 13

Partner and sponsor requests

Rikard Steiber
President Viveport and SVP Virtual Reality, HTC

Women in Tech started as an event on International Women’s Day in 2014. Since then, it has grown into a community, a platform and a movement. The goal for WIT is to inspire women to choose careers within media and technology, through providing networks and experience from successful women and men from the business and entrepreneurial world.

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