The state of Women in Tech 2023

Are we getting anywhere with our mission to inspire women and non-binary to choose a career in technology – and to retain the ones already here? Well the answer is simple: Yes.

In the spring of 2023 we asked you, the members, how y’all are doing. As always, your feedback was instant, insightful and interesting. We summed it up to nine findings in this fancy report, and are eager the share your answers with the world.

All in all, this is a truly positive report! Change is happening! But it is slow… DEI is future critical, and we nee intentionality in shaping the future of tech to be more equal, diverse, inclusive – and inspiring!

Take a read & lets keep up the good work!


Come on now, tech industry, how hard can it be? It's time to level up!

Press photos of organizers

Main Partners

Accenture EY Infosys

Friends of Women in Tech

Barebells Columbia Road EMMSTech Jobbsprånget Onemotion IMC People People People Pink Programming PyLadies Stockholm Tekniksprånget Tjejer Kodar Trippus Ventla Women in AI Women in Data Science AI & ML Sweden Women4Cyber

General inquiries:

Åsa Johansen


Elin Eriksson

Creative director and curator

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Our membership is completely free and doesn't come with any obligations. You'll hear from us with news, invitations to meet-ups, the main conference, digital talks and the occasional question, offering or survey.

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