SEPTEMBER: What to read?


Sep 10, 2023

3 min read

All up for continuous learning but feeling overwhelmed with the amount of content, books, podcasts and newsletters out there? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our member community consists of highly skilled women in the vast field of technology – where some of them are avid readers too. Asking them through LinkedIn, we got a few answers:



If you’re curious to see more from Amy Webb – this is her SXSW session where she launched her annual Emerging Tech Trends report.

Olga Ten Gatter, working as a Data Analyst at Swedbank and one of our members is currently reading Getting Along – How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People) by Amy Gallo. The preview gives us reason to believe it’s a solid choice: “Full of relatable, sometimes cringe-worthy examples, the latest behavioral science research, and practical advice you can use right now, Getting Along is an indispensable guide to navigating your toughest relationships at work–and building interpersonal resilience in the process.”


“I just read Invisible Women by Caroline Criado-Perez again, it was first released in 2019 but it is still relevant and I would highly recommend it as it puts light on the need for more women in tech in order to close data gaps hindering our society to develop equally”, our member Anna Ekehäll, Customer Success Manager at Waybler told us.


Not necessarily a community pick, but knowing how much our community loves deep dives into technology, we can’t help but give our partner Volvo Cars a shout out and recommend their Medium feed for engineering content: Volvo Cars Engineering – happy reading!

We have also noticed that former CEO of both Microsoft Sweden and Telia and front figure in the tech industry Helene Barnekow‘s book, Re:Start, about values-based leadership in a changing world is now available in english too! Find it on Kindle or Apple Books.

Beata Padlo, freelancing Agile Coach and Facilitator, recommends the book X-teams: How to Build Teams That Lead, Innovate, and Succeed by Deborah Ancona and Henrik Bresman – a book from 2007 that sure has relevance to this day: “Based on years of research examining teams across many industries, Ancona and Bresman show that traditional team models are falling short, and that what’s needed–and what works–is a new brand of team that emphasizes external outreach to stakeholders, extensive ties, expandable tiers, and flexible membership.”


And that’s a wrap for this first ever community sourced inspiration piece, feel free to ping us directly if you have any ideas on how to develop our news section or any ideas on topics to bring up. If the interest is high, we might make this a recurring thing, woho!

Wishing you a great week,
The Women In Tech Team

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