Tove Noorjahaan Dalenius

Tove Noorjahaan Dalenius

Tove is a practising artist undertaking academic research focusing on full-parallax digital holography. Using a Practice-Based Research methodology she carries out transdisciplinary exploration at the intersection of art, technology, and science. Tove applies Direct-write digital holography (DWDH) as an artistic medium in interplay with scientific visualisation, and publishes technical and artistic contributions in the field. Her latest artwork ‘Emergence‘ is a hologram showing the full and significant extent of the clitoris within a body for the very first time.


Talk: Emergence

Sana Alajmovic, Co-founder and CEO of Sigrid Therapeutics AB

Ijlal Tahir

Panel: Follow up from keynotes Anna, Dr Gissel, Sarah and Stephanie

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Åsa Johansen


Elin Eriksson

Creative director and curator

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