Susanna Hellström Gefwert

Susanna Hellström Gefwert

The powerful combination of technology and humans that together challenge how things are done, has been the focus for Susanna Hellström Gefwert during her career. Together with AI and Robots she is changing the way we work. During the recent years she has held C-level positions within the technical fields and has together with AI and Robot capabilities worked to transform businesses to more value-based and data driven enterprises.

Jennie Perzon

Business Analytics Lead, EasyPark

Doreh Bovelet

Zac Fors

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Accenture EY Infosys Nordea

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DataTjej EMMSTech Jobbsprånget Onemotion IMC Pink Programming PyLadies Stockholm Technigo Tekniksprånget Tjejer Kodar Trippus Women in AI Women in Data Science AI & ML Sweden Women4Cyber

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Åsa Johansen


Elin Eriksson

Creative director and curator

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