Sofia Larsson

Sofia Larsson

Sofia started her career 7 years ago and has since then transitioned into various different roles such as Developer, Solution Architect and People Manager all within the integration area. Before joining Salesforce Sofia was heading an integration-unit at TietoEvry where she was responsible for product development, sales and people. She is currently working as Senior Solution Engineer with MuleSoft, in her role Sofia is owning the technical dialogue with customers throughout the sales cycle and is helping customers fullfil their business needs and increase their operational efficiency by advising on how to use integration as a driver towards a Composable Enterprise. Sofia has a passion for tech, customer success and personal development. She is also actively woking with diversity and inclusiveness and trying to bring more women into the integration area.

Stina Lantz

Mina Billing

Sandy Sandhu

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Åsa Johansen


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