Sarah Freiesleben

Sarah Freiesleben

Emergence & Human centred Techonology Lead, Ramskov Consulting

Sarah Freiesleben helps purpose-driven organizations identify and navigate emergent situations involving risks or opportunities for positive change. With an advanced degree in the humanities and 17 years working on complex enterprise projects in a wide variety of industries, she believes we need to tap into the breadth of humanity to co-create a regenerative future. She lives in Copenhagen and works as a consultant at Ramskov Consulting Group and as an Industry Fellow at The Technical University of Denmark. Sarah is currently working on a book entitled The Opposite of Noise, which “addresses nothing less than what it means to be human – and how our humanness can and should shape our decision making and our instinctive (as well as considered) responses to aspects of our environment,” according to C. Rebecca Rine, PhD (join the movement:

Main Stage Speaker: 2022 2024

Rana el Kaliouby, Ph.D.

Anna Nordell Westling

Andjela Kusmuk

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