Safae Berrahmoune

Safae Berrahmoune

Safae Berrahmoune is one of two founders of the company Dyamo, which offers digital mentorship to young people. During her studies at KTH and work as tutor in Järva (Stockholm), Safae realized the need for an effective solution to a major societal problem; school-tired young people with incomplete grades.

Together with Hiba Adem, Safae started Dyamo, a digital and anonymous mentorship, where it is easy for the student to reach their very own mentor via the Dyamo app. A safe environment for open and honest conversation without prejudice or judgment. Where mentors whom are university students and professionals together with gamification become the extra motivation and support that young people need.

Watch Safae’s 2022 speech here

Rebecca Oskarsson

Programmed Inequality

Hanne Hed

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