Nora Bavey

Nora Bavey

General Partner at Unconventional Ventures, investing in impact tech startups in the pre-seed/seed stage founded by underrepresented founders targeting global market opportunities. An award winning serial entrepreneur that as an immigrant in Sweden made it her mission to improve the possibilities for underrepresented groups to access technology, entrepreneurship and capital. Founder Unitech, an EdTech & digital community of underrepresented founders and aspiring founders, with a mission to accelerate inclusion in the tech industry. . Amongst; Awarded 2018’s “Digital Inspirer of The Year”, Sweden’s 101 Super Talents 2019 and Nordic Women in Tech Awards Role model 2020.

Liisa Liisa

The state of Women in Tech 2023

Photos by Tove Risberg from Women In Tech 2018

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Accenture EY Infosys Nordea

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EMMSTech Jobbsprånget Onemotion IMC Pink Programming PyLadies Stockholm Tekniksprånget Tjejer Kodar Trippus Women in AI Women in Data Science AI & ML Sweden Women4Cyber

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Åsa Johansen


Elin Eriksson

Creative director and curator

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