Mikaela Stjernström

Mikaela Stjernström

Senior Growth & Martech Consultant

Mikaela is an accomplished digital commerce expert who is passionate about creating impactful and frictionless digital experiences that serve the end customer and the organisations she works with. She thrives in collaborative and diverse teams where she can contribute her expertise, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Mikaela has worked in digital commerce for over a decade, and her curiosity has led her to experience diverse industries at organisations like Nordea, Plan International, and Björn Borg. Today, she is a Growth and Marketing Technology Consultant at the Nordic digital commerce consultancy Columbia Road, where she helps companies grow their digital sales.

Focus Session Speaker: 2024

Panel: Five Myths of Innovation with Cybercom

Christian Edström

Piano with Ellinor Asp

Main Partners

Accenture EY Infosys Nordea

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DataTjej EMMSTech Jobbsprånget Onemotion IMC Pink Programming PyLadies Stockholm Tekniksprånget Tjejer Kodar Trippus Women in AI Women in Data Science AI & ML Sweden Women4Cyber

General inquiries:


Åsa Johansen



Elin Eriksson

Creative director and curator


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