Galina Esther Shubina

Galina Esther Shubina

Galina is a co-founder of Gradient Descent, a strategy consultancy focused on helping companies become data-driven and AI-enabled. She comes from a background as a software engineer and data scientist with degrees in computer science and mathematics. Prior to that, Galina spent 10 years at Google as a manager, software engineer, and data scientist working on everything from ML-based advertising products to highly scalable distributed systems. She also built the data and analytics team at Schibsted, at Trinity Mirror (now Reach Plc), and software and AI team at Northvolt. She is a­ co-founder of Women in Data Science (AI & ML) ­Sweden organisation, a community of over a 1500+ women in the field of data science, machine learning, AI and data analytics in Sweden, now in its 4th year.

Kathrin Lemler

Neeraj Sharma

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