Christian Edström

Christian Edström

Background as a Software Engineer, started off as a Cobol developer, coded my way through the Java stack ending up as an architect. Since then a multitude of different roles, worth highlighting is probably a year spent in Bangalore working with outsourcing. Currently heading a unit called Development Platforms which include managing the platforms that are used to build and run our mobile- and internetbank. Our vision is highly influenced by the relatively new art of platform engineering – building platforms for others to build great products and features which we believe is the most effective way to scale in a large organization with multiple teams.

I see myself as a humble servant leader paving the way for brilliant engineers. I believe in order for me to stay relevant (and to understand what the “techies” talks about at the coffee machine) I need to be sufficiently educated to be able to make the best decisions. And hopefully avoid the most idiotic ones.

Vikten av en stark inkompetensprofil

Tech as a solution to the 1,5C degree target

My Career as a Multifaceted Weirdo

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