Dagens Industri: Pushing for More Women in Tech

Åsa Johansen, Director of Women in Tech Sweden, was recently featured in Dagens Industri! Together with Åsa Zetterberg from TechSverige, she called on the government to take serious steps to help fill the 18,000 tech jobs that are open every year—and a big part of that solution is getting more women into the industry.

In the article, Åsa emphasized the importance of focusing on women in STEM, saying,

“For Sweden to maintain its position as a leading tech nation, we need to make it more attractive for women to enter the industry. The future of tech relies on diversity.”

She also pointed out that women currently make up only 32% of the tech workforce, which isn’t enough to meet the growing demand. Åsa is hopeful that upcoming government proposals will address this and make a real impact.

Check out the full article in Dagens Industri here!


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